Our Locations


Flexible pricing for businesses of all sizes.

Features Basic Standard Professional
Budget Option
Most Popular
Most Features
Max # of vehicles 2 10 Unlimited
Live tracking updates 15 seconds 10 seconds 5 seconds
Customized map display options
Rolling location history 12 months 36 months Unlimited
Real-time traffic information
Custom Landmarks
White-label mobile app for iOS and Android
QR code for viewing on mobile devices
Automatically hide inactive vehicles
Create Routes
Route schedules
Ridership counting
GTFS hosting
GTFS Builder
GTFS Schedule
GTFS Realtime
Custom advertisement options
Ride ticket sales portal
Performance reports

About Us

We provide software and hardware solutions for the parking and transportation industries. Some of the solutuions we build include mobile apps, kiosks, business web applications, payment solutions, and digital wall displays.

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